What is Eligibility Criteria Before You Apply for AdSence?

What is Eligibility Criteria Before You Apply for AdSense?

Google AdSense platforms is the monetization way that helps you to earn money from blogging and vlogging. It is being used my many publishers as of now, Google AdSense motivates publishers to grow and offer more content to google and users. Still many people are struggling with AdSense often they receive disapproval from AdSense, because they are not aware about eligibility criteria before they apply for AdSense.

 In order to receive approval from AdSense there are certain terms and conditions that need to be fulfilled. Through this web page, we will explore all the conditions that you need to follow for obtaining AdSense approval for your website. After that you can earn money through your website by displaying ads on website.

Eligibility Criteria for Adsence

All the publishers are required to meet these terms and conditions if any publisher is failed to meet any of these conditions then their website won’t be eligible for adsense, conditions are as follows: -

1. Age Requirement

As per the Google AdSense official guidelines you have to be 18 or more than 18 years old for obtaining adsense. If you are above 18 years then it is great! You may move a head if not but you have ready site for monetization then you may use you parent’s information for registration or sign-in.

2. You Must have Your Own Website

Another eligibility requirement is own website, you must have your own website whether it is on WordPress, blogger or another CMS (Content Management System).  You should have the main control on the website. It means you have a core access to the website code, adsence won’t work if you do not add ads code to the website to verify ownership.

3. Website Must Have Clear Navigation

Your website should have clear navigation that gives smooth user experience, as we know navigations are Important for users and for Google also. As per the Google guidelines you should have basic navigation bar to your website like:-

  • A menu or navigation bar that is easily accessible.
  • Elements of your menu bar that are lined up correctly.
  • Text on your bar that is easy to read.
  • Elements, drop-downs, and links that all work properly.

4. You Must Some Unique Visitors

Before you apply for AdSense, you must have some unique visitors on your website, make sure your all traffic is 100% real, bot or fake traffic can reduce the chance of getting approval. Google can identify the fake traffic through its system and programming with the hint of clicks and visits on the website.

5. Content Must Comply with the Guidelines

It is one of the most important and common conditions among publishers, often publishers face this problem after applying for AdSense. You sure the content you are posting on the web, must be unique not copies, it may become a cause of rejection. Your content should apply with guidelines of Google like content should be original, safe to read and watch, authentic etc.

6. Supported Language

Your website must support every single language, so that people from various countries can read and view your content. It will also make your ads visible to more visitors.

7. You Should Have Technical Pages

When you have a website, then there should be technical pages which are important for any website, whether it is blogging website and e commerce. These pages consist privacy and policy, about us, disclaimer and terms and conditions. Such pages must be there on your website for user trust and who are you, what you offer etc.

8. Your Website Must be 6 Months Old

As per Google your website should be 6 years old at least, and it is easy to get approval if you have a old site because it is trust worthy over the time. But this rule is not necessary to be followed, your newly established can also obtain adsense within 1 to 3 months of website but rest of the conditions are meant to meet.

If you comply with all these guidelines before applying adsense then you are sure to get approval, still if you are struggling to get adsence then feel free to connect us, we will help you. For more such updated content stay connected with CRSPL we will be right back with the new post.