
    YouTube Update to Remove Clickbait Videos- Know All

    As of now, YouTube is making headlines once again, as it has issued updates about clickbait titles and thumbnails. By removing these misleading videos from YouTube that does not align with its content. It is to improve user experience, as per the YouTube soon it will take down the videos with deceptive titles and thumbnails. It is not a new issue, previously tons of users on YouTube were facing this problem, finally, YouTube has taken an action against this. Now no more misleading videos with fake attractive titles and thumbnails.

    How many of you have faced the misleading clickbait videos that do not actually align with the real content? Many of you are right! Still, there are tons of users who are searching that what is the meaning of clickbait titles and thumbnails. These are the titles and thumbnails that are designed just to get more clicks on the videos but they do not comply with actual content. Such videos are misleading and provide wrong information rather than actual. These videos promise what they do not deliver, therefore people who are watching these videos they do not find the content as per titles & thumbnails.

    YouTube announced that the intention of the update is to improve the user experience for YouTube users. The company has also outlined some plans for the videos with clickbait titles and thumbnails. Soon YouTube will take down such videos from ranking, it is not the first time happening, in the past Google has also issued such updates in terms of blogs. In this upcoming month, you will see the effect of this update in India. As far as we know, this update is particularly focused on the sensitive topics such as current affairs, news, events, and more. So that people can not be misled about any of the mentioned things.

    What is egregious clickbait?

    Egregious clickbait means the title and thumbnails, which are used to make false videos, such clickbait exaggerates the content and promises that they can not be filled. These videos may use attractive and unrealistic lines to get more clicks and old statics. There are lots of questions that why YouTube is making this change. As YouTube is highlighting the part of misleading content on YouTube, that diverts users with eye-catching videos titles but they do not meet users expectations. For more latest updates in digital marketing, stay connected with CRSPL Technologies, we will be right back with new blog.
